
Brilliant Marketing for Grand Rapids Businesses

Web. Photo. Video. Social. We are a full-service marketing agency serving up no-nonsense marketing for small & medium sized businesses.

Marketing made easy. Results made real.

Our Marketing Services

Transparency you can trust, results you can see. These are the services we do best.

Video Production

Lights, camera, profit.

Video is king

Video production in Grand Rapids has been proven to engage and convert more customers. We're proud to offer brilliant film production for any budget.

Web Development

Make an incredible first digital impression.

Why web?

Your website is your gateway to first impressions and conveying information. We specialize in Web Design, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and content strategy.


Say cheese.

Bokeh? Bokeh.

It's more than pressing a button. It's about making your vision come to life. We do photo for web, social, print, events, lifestyle, and more.


Lorem ipsum dolor… just kidding.

Words that work

Your brand happens through its voice, and a stellar copy doesn't write itself. GRMC crafts copy that converts (and inspires).

Social Media content & strategy

But first, let me take a selfie.

Algorithm algorithm algorithm

Did someone say algorithm? Between the mysteries of our feeds to the science in the share, we design content campaigns that convert.

Lead Gen

Client followup and new ideas.

No cookie cutters

Lead generation & conversion requires a custom fit— no cookie cutter strategies here. We'll get nerdy and figure out what works for you.

Graphic Design

Create the core of your brand. Logos, colors, fonts, you name it.

Visual Branding

Brands should inspire. We'll take your existing brand, or start fresh, to build visual branding that finds its voice.

Our team of Big Thinkers

headshot of sam kiste head of logistics at Grand Rapids marketing company

Sam Kiste


headshot of troy meekhof the videographer in grand rapids

Troy Meekhof


Psst... Are you a local freelancer?

Our Approach to Marketing

GRMC makes businesses bolder. badder. Our style is confident, noble, and no-nonsense.

We are using today’s marketing techniques (and nothing a day older) to create, develop, and execute brilliant marketing strategies. We keep a pulse on internet-based trends, algorithm shifts, and how other businesses are succeeding (or failing) in marketing.

two videographers in Grand Rapids planning a client project with laptop and smart phones
videographer holding cinema camera in bright studio

Frequently Asked Questions

Grand Rapids Marketing Company is a full-service marketing agency serving small & medium sized businesses. We do no-nonsense marketing,

Grand Rapids is our home base, but we’re not afraid to venture out and conquer new frontiers. We’re marketing gurus with a focus on West Michigan, but we don’t let geography hold us back. Our name may be just a moniker, but our impact is anything but ordinary.

GRMC stands for Grand Rapids Marketing Company (That’s us! Hey! 👋 )

Only the coolest.